UpThemes Framework
Settings API
The new UpThemes Framework takes advantage of the Settings API, making our theme options panel extremely lightweight and easy-to-use.
WordPress-Standard Media Uploader
No longer a separate piece of functionality, the Framework now uses the built-in WordPress media uploader for enhanced security and less code overhead.
Custom Layouts & Color Schemes
Many themes offer a choice of layout and color scheme. The UpThemes Framework makes it incredibly easy to select the layout and color scheme that’s right for your website.
Live Theme Customizer
With the new theme customizer, the UpThemes Framework now allows you to preview every option, including instant header and background image updates.
Customizable Header and Background Images
Easily update the logo and background image or color instantly!
Most themes come with multiple languages to choose from, and if not – we make it easy to add your own language.
Most themes come with multiple languages to choose from, and if not – we make it easy to add your own language.