Knowledge Base

Getting Started with Worldview

in Worldview Theme

Table of Contents


Add Theme

  1. From the Dashboard of your site, go to Appearance → Themes.
  2. Click the Add New button at the top of the screen.
  3. Click the Upload Theme button at the top of the screen.
  4. Select Choose File and find the .zip file of the theme, select it, and click Add, followed by Install Now.
  5. The theme will upload then ask whether you would like to Activate, view a Live Preview, or Return to Theme page. You can activate or view the theme from this screen or do it later in the Appearance → Themes screen.

Setup Automatic Updates

Automatic updates will enable you to know when bug fixes and updates have been pushed by the development team, and provide a notification in the WordPress Dashboard when they are available.


Be aware that if you have made any modifications to the CSS or PHP files and run an update, all changes will be blown away! We highly suggest if you want to make theme modifications to do so by creating a Child Theme.

  1. From the Dashboard of your site, go to Appearance → Theme License.
  2. Paste the License Key you received in the purchase email from UpThemes into the License Key field.
  3. Click the Activate button and Save Changes. You’re good to go, and should receive notifications when theme updates are available!

Custom Header

The header image dimensions are 240×240. The default header image is your Gravatar. The theme will automatically detect the gravatar (if one exists) and set it as the header image upon initial theme activation.

How to change the header image:

Go to Appearance → Customize and click ‘Header’ then ‘Add New Image’ to upload a custom header image.

Managing Widget Areas

This theme comes with 3 widget areas: Primary, Masthead, and Single Post sidebar.

Primary Sidebar

The primary sidebar appears on the right side of the content. By default, this sidebar is hidden and is only visible when you add widgets. Once you add widgets, this sidebar is visible on every archive template and index page, such as category, tag and author archives. It does not appear alongside single posts or pages.

Masthead Sidebar

The masthead sidebar is hidden from the reader’s view until they click the “Open Menu” button in the masthead. The default state of the masthead sidebar includes a navigation menu and search box. This widget area can be customized to include any widget, but we strongly recommend you add a nav menu, page menu, or category widget here to ensure readers can navigate your site effectively.

Single Post Sidebar

The single post sidebar appears on every post, however, by default there are no widgets. Above this sidebar, there are post meta widgets (Categories, Tags, Multiple Author info widget) that are always visible there, no matter what changes are made to the single post sidebar. Once you add widgets to this sidebar, they will appear directly below the tags.

Custom Color Schemes

Worldview comes with a built in Custom Color Scheme option, as well as a dozen pre-set color schemes to choose from.

Note: If you are hosting on the Custom Color options will not be available, if you want to setup a custom color scheme you will need to look into the Custom Design upgrade.
  1. From the Dashboard of your site go to Appearance → Customize.
  2. Expand the Colors tab in the Customizer.
  3. Turn Enable Custom Colors on by selecting the dropdown and changing it to Yes.
  4. You should now be presented with twelve pre-set color options. Click on any of the Color Scheme Blocks to see how they would look on your site. (Give the Live Customizer a few seconds to load the new color scheme).
  5. If you want to build your own color scheme, select My own colors under Custom Color Type.
  6. Three Select Color Boxes will appear. You can type or paste in a hex color or use the Color Selector to find the perfect color. (Give the Live Customizer a few seconds to load the new color scheme).
  7. When you settle on a Color Scheme that works, click Save & Publish and head to the front end of your site to check it out!

Article Featured Image

With Worldview, you have the option to add a beautiful Featured Image to Posts.

  1. Open the Post you would like to add a Featured Image to.
  2. Along the right hand side of the page you will see a block called Featured Image. Click Set featured image.
  3. Upload an image or find the desired image in the Media Library.
  4. Select the image and click Set featured image.
  5. Update the Post and view from the front end of you site.

The Featured Image should be close to a 5:4 ratio as it will fill the area. We recommend setting the image at a larger size if possible, like 1300-1600 width and then a decent 5:4 ratio height from there. The main thing to know is that you can’t add a Featured Image at a size like 350px square because it will not properly fill the area.

Sizes that will work well: 1024×820 and 1600×1200

Custom Nav Menu

This theme comes packaged with two menu locations. The first is called the “Masthead” menu and is tucked in the left column. By default, this area holds a page menu but this menu can be changed to a custom menu or replaced by a widget area.

Setting up a custom menu

  1. Click “Appearance → Menus.”
  2. Click “Create New Menu.”
  3. Enter a menu name.
  4. Check the box next to “Masthead” and click “Save”.
  5. Add menu items from the left side of the page.
  6. Make sure to click “Save” before leaving the page.

In addition, you can replace the default menu by adding widgets to the “Masthead” sidebar. You can add a nav menu widget, in addition to a search box or any other widget you might like to have in this area. If your widgets are too tall, this section will have a scrollbar for users to be able to access all widgets in this area.

Adding a Social Menu with Links

Worldview contains a custom social menu with popular social menu icons that are displayed in the header. It currently supports the following social networks:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Dribbble
  • Google+
  • Pinterest
  • Github
  • Tumblr
  • YouTube
  • Flickr
  • Vimeo
  • Instagram
  • Codepen
  • LinkedIn

Enabling the Social Menu

  1. Click “Appearance → Menus.”
  2. Click “Create New Menu.”
  3. Enter a menu name.
  4. Check the box next to “Social” and click “Save”.
  5. To the left of “Menu Structure”, click the “Links” tab.
  6. Enter the link to one of your social media profiles here and click “Add to Menu”.
  7. Enter link text that describes the link (i. e. Jim Henson’s Google+ Profile).
  8. Once you’ve added all your profiles, click “Save Menu”.


Worldview offers typographic customizations to make articles look a little more intriguing by adding paragraphs of call-out text and drop caps.

Adding Drop-Caps to a Post

This theme comes packaged with a .dropcap class that can be applied to a paragraph element within the content of your posts. To add it, switch to the text editor view, then wrap an existing paragraph of text with a paragraph element like so:

<p class="dropcap">This is a paragraph of text that I want to have a drop-cap for.</p>

Adding a Lead-In Paragraph to a Post

This theme comes packaged with a .lead-in class that can be applied to a paragraph element within the content of your posts. This style makes the entire paragraph larger by 10% and adds an italic style. To add it, switch to the text editor view, then wrap an existing paragraph of text with a paragraph element like so:

<p class="lead-in">This is a paragraph of text that I want to have a drop-cap for.</p>